Sunday, October 25, 2009

Maternity Ward

GCMS has been running a small clinic for the last many years. Although small, we have done our best to make sure medicine is stocked and equipment is maintained. It appears these efforts have been noticed. Through the efforts of Lorna Sarra (clinic administrator) the Zambian government has selected our clinic to be exanded. The work is currently under way for a maternity ward extension. We are quite excited to be upgrading our clinic so quality health care may be administered to more Zambians!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

nice wheels!

Just recently we were blessed to have the resources to purchase a small 15 passenger used mini-bus for our Bible Institute. Previously we took our students on evangelism and for community service in the back of a flat bed truck. The truck only had seats for 2 people! Although it worked, the students would arrive normally coated with dirt from the roads. This new tool allows us to more effectively reach people with the gospel! We just continue to rejoice in seeing our Lord provide! It is wonderful to see God answer the prayers of His people and provide in such an exciting manner!

Please continue praying as we look to purchase a second vehicle that will act as an ambulance for our clinic. Our current ambulance vehicle is in need of replacement. We have most of the money we need for this second vehicle it is now just a matter of finding a good used vehicle!