Monday, June 30, 2014


Hearing about HIV/AIDS while living in Africa is a common if not daily occurrence. Maybe too often. Is it possible to hear about the dangers of AIDS so much that we stop actually hearing all the rhetoric? We all know AIDS is dangerous to the point of deadly and as of today there is no cure. With all the information, knowledge, and especially marketing to sensitize people about the dangers of sex outside of marriage, it is a bit unsettling to realize how few seem to take heed to the advice given and still contract HIV. 

Statistically, 262 new people contract HIV worldwide per hour... or roughly 6,300 new cases per day. Seventy percent of all people living with HIV are in sub-Sahara Africa. In 2012, an estimated 2,300,000 people were infected with HIV. Staggering numbers. 

After 10 years in Zambia, I am accustomed to sickness, daily funerals, HIV slogans, and programs to help it all go away. Unfortunately the problem is not going away. The spread of HIV continues. 

Recently a close friend's college age daughter contracted HIV. After she received her results she called us crying. As she discussed with my wife, she asked, "have you ever felt as good as dead?" Heartbreaking. Painful. Destructive. We prayed with her, spoke to her about God's love, and encouraged her in every way we could think. My heart broke. 

The irritating part about HIV is it is a preventable disease. I do understand there are ways to get HIV other than sex but the most common form of transfer is through sexual intercourse. I dont believe the government needs to do more.. I dont believe the doctors and scientists needs to do more. I dont want to make excuses as thousands daily continue down the path that leads to death and pain. I do believe I should do more. Maybe I am part of the problem. Maybe I have become too sensitized to sin instead of sensitizing others to its destructive power. 

Ephesians 5:1-3 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

divine luck

I certainly will never be confused for an Etymologist anytime soon! However, I do appreciate the correct meaning of words and often wonder the impact of improperly and casually using words incorrectly over time. As a Christian I want to speak well of our Lord and represent Him properly with my life and speech. The more I listen to other quality Christian people speak I often get the feeling my perspective of words is probably an archaic view. 

We see throughout the Scripture the concept of the "divine" power and presence of God. The dictionary defines divine as "sacred, as pertaining to the Supreme Being, heavenly, or celestial." In my limited understanding this definition seems fair. In the last few weeks I have heard this phrase attached in multiple other ways:
        • Divine Food
        • Divine Comedy
        • Divine Makeup 
        • Divine Insurance
        • Divine Beauty
Is it proper to describe anything outside of the majesty and awe of the True and Eternal Being of the Almighty God as "divine"? Or, does the improper use eventually erode away the essence of what is truly divine and how we communicate this? Would there be any confusion if a Pastor went to dinner with some church members and described his food as "truly divine" and the next Sunday spoke on the "divine nature" of God? Is it obvious the immense span of difference between the use of "divine" in this example or should we just be more careful to use words more discreetly?

Another common word I often hear used in Christian speak is luck. We may hear people say such things as "that was lucky" or "good luck with that surgery" or "we are so lucky to be born American". The dictionary defines luck as "good fortune, considered as the result of chance; or a force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life". As a Bible believer and student I was always taught to believe in a God of control that has left nothing to "chance" and in fact there is nothing out of control or open to the negotiation of some foreign force. Have we inadvertently embraced "luck" when we:
        • Cross our fingers
        • Put up horse shoes
        • Collect four leaf clovers
        • Have a rabbit foot
        • Or even wear a cross around our neck?

2 Corinthians 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Psalms 115:3 But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.

Proverbs 21:30 There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD. 

Romans 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

Daniel 4:35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?

Friday, June 27, 2014

Replacing water tank

Chief Mnukwa spoke with us a couple months ago expressing his concern for Mnukwa Clinic that had a faulty water tank. The clinic itself had been fitted with a first class solar bore hole along with a 10,000 litre tank and up until a couple months ago, things were working quite well. However, as some of the supporting boards began the rot, the massive tank began to move and ended springing a leak. This leak resulted in a lack of usable / clean water for the clinic and the residents in the area. 

We had some left over funds from a previous clinic project and thought it a great benefit to provide clean water... so, we finally found the time necessary to get this project moving forward and thankfully finished (well, almost). We were not able to locate a new 10,000 litre tank but were able to purchase a 5,000 litre tank which is still plenty of water! As always, this project moved forward mostly in part to the hard work of Dan and Micah Jalowiec. Hats off to their hard working character and get it done attitude! 

positioning old tank for removal

over it goes

cutting fresh planks

bringing old tank to the Chief's palace

beginning to raise new tank into place

almost in place!

Friday, June 20, 2014

June Baptism at Big Tree

In obedience to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have gone out with the hopes and expectations of reaching people with the Good News! As part of the commission to reach the world, there is the understanding that each new birth will result in believers baptism. At our small church, we have scheduled a baptism service for every 2 months hoping there will be a need as we speak the truth and as Christ works in the hearts of people.

This short video shows some new believers obeying the Scripture and publicly testifying to the saving grace of our Lord!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Family Conference + VBS

The main focus of our June team was to teach a Family Conference for the adult members and produce a VBS for the children. The family conference was focused on the biblical roles of marriage, the purpose of marriage, and understanding the commitment of marriage. The family conference started Sunday morning and finished Wednesday afternoon. Each day we had between 40-65 in attendance! We had an amazing conclusion on Wednesday in which many families came to our alter and committed to moving forward and serving the Lord together. My heart was overflowing! 

The children were blessed for three days of teaching as well. From 70-90 children attended each day as our team taught on fundamentals of Christianity using the Creation to Christ methodology. Each lesson was designed to build a foundation and show a specific attribute of Christ. Eventually, the whole picture came into focus as the life of Christ was presented, the Gospel given, and hearts submitted to the call of repentance! Roughly 7 children professed Jesus Christ as their Saviour! What an amazing start and foundation these children will have. 

I like to remind everyone that we are simply building a proper foundation. The work that was done during this conference will continue to help our people and ministry literally for years to come! The building of the foundation is not glorious and usually gets little attention or recognition but do we dare say is the most important part of every long lasting structure! (1 Corinthians 3:10-12)

Pastor Curran teaching at Family Conference

Pastor Curran answering questions

Creation to Christ with VBS

Wise Master Builders

VBS children

VBS tug of rope

VBS children

VBS teaching

VBS children

VBS hearts turning to God

Weak vessels

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Testimonies at Chinjala Baptist

It is always an encouragement to speak of what God has done and is doing in our lives. While our recent team was here, we asked three of the members to share their "God story" to the people of Chinjala Baptist church. No matter what culture, country, or circumstances, we all should recognize the work of our Lord in the span of our life. 

Each of the three Americans spoke of God's love and grace in their life and how He transformed them into a new person and brought them from darkness to light. They all shared a Scripture that has been important to them and helped them along the way! Thank you for sharing your heart Frank, Nikki, and Bob! I know the people of Chinjala were blessed! After the Americans gave their testimony two of the members at Chinjala gave a testimony of God's salvation in their life. Always impressed how easily the true Gospel crosses culture and turns the hearts of people from rebellion towards righteousness! After, Pastor Curran gave a short message concerning the essentials every Christian should know. Very Challenging! 

Chinjala Baptist

Frank sharing his testimony

Nikki Guy sharing her testimony

Bob Watrous sharing his testimony

Mr. Sakala sharing his testimony

Zenaida sharing her testimony

Pastor Curran preaching

Friday, June 13, 2014

Compassion Team - Bore Hole

We had a team from First Bible and Naples Bible come from Rochester, New York. This group was a true blessing to all of us and the work here in Chipata, Zambia. When groups comes we like to engage them in "compassion" projects - this is usually a project to help the local community where we serve and show the love of Christ. While at the site, we were able to pass out scripture tracts to all in the area! 

Our first project was a brick laying project around a bore hole. We laid over 1,000 bricks in one day and got a good start on protecting the bore hole from vandals and large animals. We also helped to install a more modern cooking stove for ladies staying at the clinic waiting for delivery.

Compassion Team prior to Work

Compassion Team at Work site

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Isaac's testimony

Isaac Mbewe has an interesting "God story" he recently shared to the whole church. He admits he struggled with direction and knowing what life was about. When he would make some money it was very easy for him to drink beer with his buddies while his family went without food at home. 

He started attending our little church and after some time of hearing the preaching of God's word his life was radically changed by the forgiving power of Jesus Christ. He says there is no longer a desire for beer and he wants to do right by his family. He is consistently in church and truly hungering and thirsting after righteousness!

Although he did not mention in his story, he was also a part of the Nyau dancers. This group of dancers believes when they put on the mask of an animal and the drums start beating, they are filled with the spirit of that animal. Praise the Lord Isaac no longer dances with the animals and now seeks to please and praise the Creator and not the creatures. 

Please continue to pray for Isaac - he desires to serve the Lord in whatever way. He was recently baptized and wants his whole family to serve the Lord!

Isaac speaking of God change in his life

Monday, June 09, 2014

Susan's Testimony

We recently had two people give their testimony of salvation. Both of these people have interesting life experiences. In this post, I will briefly write about Susan Sakala. Susan has been coming to our church pretty much from the inception. She has memorized verses. She has been to weekly Bible studies. She has done almost everything we have asked. Yet, in her testimony, she explained how she has just been "playing" church and had no true commitment to the Lord. 
When I first met Susan she had a little baby girl named Jesse. It was explained to me that the father of this child had left Susan while she was pregnant and married another women. Well... again Susan got pregnant and again from the same man (yes, still married to someone else). Apparently she was hoping to draw him away from his marriage. Now with two precious little children and still no husband Susan testified how she was just doing things her way and not listening to the voice of God. Her realization of sin finally came into full view. 
Please pray for Susan as she now has a new name written down in Glory, she now has a new zeal to know and understand God's will for her life, and a new passion to be an integral part of this local church!

Susan Sakala giving her testimony

Monday, June 02, 2014

Potential Leaders

We are starting up a leadership training course designed to eventually provide the first Zambian pastor of Big Tree Bible Baptist church of Malongwe Village. It is with great excitement that we are taking on this new phase of teaching and we are quite hopeful the Lord will bring the right man! We have 8 potential candidates that will start the course. Although I am doubtful all eight will finish, I am excited to see the zeal and possibilities through each of these men. Please be praying for the following:

  1. Musandi Banda
  2. Benard Zulu
  3. Joseph Banda
  4. Mika Zulu
  5. Elias Kamanga
  6. Andrew Jere
  7. Isaac Mbewe
  8. Enock Phiri
At the end of our training, we will present those that remain and have passed the course to the church as a potential pastor. From there, the church membership will vote on which man should be the Pastor. The road ahead of each of these men is much longer than I am sure they expect but I know that with the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ they will grow in faith and become stronger worshipers of Jesus Christ.