Yesterday afternoon there was a barn fire at the location where I grew up as a child/youth. We thank the Lord no one was hurt and that most of the items in the barn had been removed months ago. Although the barn no longer had any tangible items there were many memories stored there. As a young boy I remember building forts in the hay, swinging from side to side on a large roap, shooting hoops, fixing cars, motorcycles, and everything else... My father taught me how to change the oil and replace a muffler in that barn. The more I think about that barn, the more wonderful stories and experiences come to mind. However, the reality is that the barn did not provide the experiences and great memories. All those great memories came from having a great family and many great friends to experience life with. I am thankful for that barn but realize now that a barn is just a structure... great family and great friends is what produces wonderful and lasting memories. Now I praise the Lord for more than a barn - but thank Him for surrounding me with people worth making memories with!
So true about how memories are made, but more because of who was with you and not so much as where you were.
I too have some fond memories of the barn... and many beautiful pictures were taken there as it made a gorgeous rustic background...
Praying for the P's as they are still so far away...! Travel safely and counting down the days til Christmas!
Good outlook, Kevin. The handful of times I've been back up north since moving to Florida, it pained me to see the home I grew up in... it's in total disrepair, the yard is a mess, and the memories of the wonderful life that I had there all bubble to the surface.
But, then I come home and remember that the memories are of the times that I spent there with family and friends, and they're not centered around wood and plaster. Whatever happens to the structure, I still have the blessing of fond memories.
I remember that barn! But, like you, what I remember most whenever our family went out to your place, was the people, the love, and the fun. The Pestke family has obviously blessed many through the years with their comforting welcomes and acceptance. May the future generations of Pestkes always consider to do so!
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