The following is a letter I just received from a man in Nigeria. He read a tract I AM put together entitled "how to get to heaven from Africa!" For those of you that hand out tracts - keep it up - you just never know how the Lord will use those pamphlets!
"Dear Brethren in the Lord,
The grace peace and love of Christ be with you and your wonderful ministries. We all thank you for the great work you are doing to the glory of God and also for publishing powerful booklets and leaflet. Someone passed it unto us and we made a cell at school and read it again. After many months, 149 of us were convinced. Right now we all have surrendered our whole lives to Christ by accepting him as our only Lord and Saviour.
We all want to make a close walk with the Lord and all this require departing from sin, telling others about the Lord Jesus and reading our bibles. But we don’t all have Bibles to read God's word.
Brethren we need your help. Please send to use 150 Bibles that contain the Old and New Testament, booklets and leaflets in one package."
Please pray - I will be contacting this man to open the channels of communication and see where God will lead us - would be exciting if we can help our fellow Christians in Nigeria to be rooted and grounded in the Truth!