Monday, July 28, 2008

God's Will

I love the name of this church - this last Sunday, I preached at a church entitled, "God's Will Bible Baptist Church". It has been many years since I have last visited this church. According to the pastor, there were a couple families that just left due to doctrinal issues but for the most part the church seems excited and desiring to fulfill "God's will". This may seem obvious but knowing God's will seems like a good reason for coming to church.
The church is located in one of the town centers - most of my effort is usually directed toward bush churches. Coming back into town for a Sunday service was a nice change of pace. I preached a message from Mark 8 - many responded as the pastor and his wife counseled. It was just a good day to be at church!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

the house of mourning

Thursday was Josphat's burial - the days before his burial, many family and friends gather at the widow's house mourning, singing, and there are some that even preach to the gathering crowds. Once the casket was brought to the village - the atmosphere changed - many people began weeping uncontrollably - some even throwing themselves near to the casket, others falling as if their legs could no longer support them... certainly a different scene than traditionally found in the States.
After some comments by the pastor and a brief but powerful message from the gospel of Matthew - we walked for about 35 minutes to the grave site where again some final words were spoken and the body was buried.
I am glad to have known Josphat - he was an optimistic man with a true and living faith. Although sick for some time - he didnt seem discouraged. I appreciate his character and that he finished his race with faith!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Life is a vapour...

After church on Sunday we stopped at Ibenga Hospital to visit with a sick friend. Josophat was one of my students in Bible school - for about 6 months he helped interpret for me every Sunday. After graduation he moved away from the mission and started a church. Over the last year his health had deteriorated to the point where he was unable to minister to his flock. Last month he came to me saying his health was returning - he was feeling good... and he was ready to get back to the work of the ministry. You could see in his eyes the excitement to serve the Lord and readiness to get back encouraging people with the gospel message.
When we met him at the hospital - I was shocked at how he was looking. In just two days he had deteriorated greatly. The doctors thought maybe he had the flu but were not sure of what was happening. We talked for some time, prayed, tried to love on him and encourage his wife.
This morning I was notified that Josophat has stepped into the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ and His holy angels... please pray for Josophat's wife and many children.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Mulowfwa BBC

This past Sunday - we visited a church relatively near to the mission station. As a Bible Institute, we have been to this church many times to help evangelize and minister to the people in the area. However, this is the first time I preached at this church since being back to Zambia. Pastor Collins is the man in charge - the church is running around 80-90 people on an average Sunday. From what I can tell - the people are growing and being encouraged to do more. Some don't like the pressure the pastor is exerting towards growth - but many are embracing it. Please pray for this church and God's continued leading and blessing! I preached a message from Colossians 3 - putting off the old man, putting on the new man, practicing true Christianity...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Temp vs. Perm

For this years conference we realized there would be a larger crowd than normal gathering - more people means more food, and more food means... well, more toilets. We have been busy for the last few weeks building toilets - both long term permanent toilets and temporary toilets that will be finished after the week long conference.
Although they are not completely finished yet we are working hard to get it all done. Once finished, it will be a joint effort by 2 churches from the States as well as many Zambians laboring to get it finished. Thanks to Pastor Roberts and Pastor Waye for sending both finances and workers to take care of this necessary part of ministry.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Katembula BBC

We enjoyed having a couple men from the States help out with preparations for our August conference - in the midst of all this work, we took the 3 hour drive down a difficult road to preach in Kitwe west. Because of the distance and road - we rarely get there. I thought it a good opportunity to visit while we had visitors.
This church has experienced some transition of late - the pastor was found with a less than spotless reputation and therefore removed. A new man trained from our Bible institute has replaced him and so far the church seems to have embraced him. Hopefully the Lord will use this to help sober everyone up and allow the members to grow nearer to our Lord.
One of the visitors gave his testimony and the other preached a message - after listening to both men speak - it amazed me how although Zambians and Americans live thousands of miles apart and have distinct cultures - we all have the same sin struggles and need for the same solution. Praise the Lord for these men coming and sharing God's word...
The new pastor is working building a small house by the church - please pray as they mold bricks and try to purchase the supplies necessary to make it happen before the rainy season.