Today I was out teaching a group of about 15 or 20 church members some basic Biblical principles. We are going through a series on "foundations of Christianity". We have been going through this for a few weeks and sometimes you wonder if people are listening. Anyway, I was discussing the verse:
2 Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. (KJV)
We were specifically going over "depart from iniquity" and how many "Christians" look like Christians but dont actually live like Christians. I spoke about how in Zambia many say they are Christian but hide charms in their homes for protections against evil spirits. As soon as the words came out of my mouth a woman started loudly saying something. I immediately thought I had said something offensive (cause that happens from time to time). However, I was pleasantly surprised. She said, "we dont have those charms in our homes anymore". She went on to explain that since the last time I taught from the Bible, everyone went home and cleaned house! Praise the LORD!
Most of our teaching is a springboard from Matthew 7 in which we are told about two people building a house. One person builds a proper foundation on a rock and the other builds their house on sand. The one that built on rock of course is considered wise, a person that hears, and does the words that are spoken. The other person is considered foolish, someone who hears but does not do. It is wonderful to see people make the decision to be "wise master builders".