It is interesting to read Psalm 84 and see the three main blessings spelled out in the text. The psalmist speaks of dwelling, of strength, and of trust. In each of these instances we see the blessing always comes back to God. When we dwell with God. When our strength is from God. When we trust God. This is an obvious and abundant theme throughout Scripture and yet a point many of us miss (myself included). It is easy to want the blessing but it is a different day when we actually experience the blessing. Truly the blessing is not self-made but comes as we live in the presence of God.
I see desire within much of this passage. He writes about the longing of his soul. He speaks of his heart and flesh crying out to God. Perhaps many of us just don't have the necessary passion to chase after these types of blessing. Usually when we decide to pursue one direction we must forsake a different direction. It is normally called, "choices". We see choices all throughout the Scripture. When we choose to follow God - there are blessings to be expected. Is there anything more valuable than peace, love, joy, contentment, gentleness, etc?
Oh, I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. This all comes together for me in the culmination of this verse. There requires an actual humility to dwell with God, to receive strength from God, and to trust God. Being a doorkeeper and dwelling with God is a much better life than dwelling in wickedness. However, none of us seem to set out for such a lowly position. Maybe that is the problem. We want more. We want what is in those tents but still want the blessing of God. Seems to be plenty of doorkeeper positions available. Applications being accepted.