Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Heading out again

This year has been quite busy - from Zambia, to China, and now to Honduras. I will be in Honduras working with brother Laparra from March 7th until the 22nd. The intent is to minister to the youth through a retreat getaway as well as through a spiritual emphasis week. Obviously this presents a great opportunity for the Lord to work mightily and truly transform lives.

I will travel with two others from my Church (Andy and his wife Darline). Andy and his wife will be teaching the Scripture to the elementary children while I minister to the high school age kids. We would ask you to pray for the Lord's hand to be upon the time we have in Honduras. We are never quite sure what to expect going into these things, but we do expect great things from God! This year has been off to a quick start - we truly desire just want to be a part of what the Lord is doing all over this world!

"A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble."
-- Charles Spurgeon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kevin .. I'll be praying that the Lord will use you in a mighty way.
Thought you might like this....

The reward of Christianity is Christ.

Do you journey to the Grand Canyon for the souvenir T-shirt or the snow globe with the snowflakes that fall when you shake it? No. The reward of the Grand Canyon is the Grand Canyon. The wide-eyed realization that you are part of something ancient, splendid, powerful, and greater than you.

The cache of Christianity is Christ. Not money in the bank or a car in the garage or a healthy body or a better self-image. Secondary and tertiary fruits perhaps. But the Fort Knox of faith is Christ. Fellowship with him. Walking with him. Pondering him. Exploring him. The heart-stopping realization that in him you are part of something ancient, endless, unstoppable, and unfathomable. And that he, who can dig the Grand Canyon with his pinkie, thinks you're worth his death on Roman timber. Christ is the reward of Christianity. (Next Door Savior-Max Lucado)

Amen. Christ is my reward.