Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sunday School & Victoria Falls Video

ok, this is mostly an attempt at posting videos. One video shows a former student of mine leading some familiar Zambian Christian choruses with some Sunday School children. The second video is simply some footage of Victoria Falls....

Lusaka Crusade - 2006

This video is from a small crusade we put together in Lusaka back in 2006. The video does not show much of the crusade - simply shows the unity of the Lusaka churches that came together to worship our Lord.

Monday, December 17, 2007


The chart to the left is a five year snap shot of the value of the Zambian Kwacha compared to the US Dollar. Most Americans have little concept of foreign exchange rate and the impact on missionaries. This chart is my attempt to explain how a missionary is impacted by such fluctuations.
Lets take for example, fuel. The current cost of 1 liter of diesel fuel is roughly 8,000 Kwacha. At todays exchange rate - it works out to be roughly $2.13 USD for 1 liter of diesel fuel or $8.10 per gallon. This same gallon of diesel fuel purchased in January of 2007 would be $ 6.90 USD - this represents a 15% change in the price of fuel within a couple months - not because of taxes, or inflation, or supply/demand - but simply because the value of the US Dollar has changed compared to the Zambian Kwacha. Many missionaries enter the foreign field not understanding the issue of foreign exchange rates. Unfortunately, I know too many men that have left the foreign mission field simply because the money they have is not enough to sustain their family.
Pray for stability!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

2007 Graduating Class

North Star Bible Institute of 2007 - graduating class. These men have spent three full years intensely studying God's word. These men will now take their knowledge and understanding of God and begin to testify, preach, & minister throughout different areas of Zambia.

I was privileged to instruct some of these guys for 4-5 terms of study. In my estimation, this graduating class has some men of faith with great c
haracter and Christian integrity. Praise the LORD for men willing to put aside some attractions of this world and seek a deeper relationship with God! As an instructor, my cup overflows whenever I see my students overcome adversity and accomplish their goals with fervor and intensified dedication to God - praise the LORD!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Container #3

Praise the LORD! Another container is on its way to Zambia, Africa! Although it will take some 2 months to actually arrive in Zambia and be offloaded - we rejoice in knowing it is now on the way! The members of Faith Baptist in Tacoma, Washington - have sacrificed and done so much so the people of Zambia could receive God's word! The people at BEAMS in Mississippi have worked hard to fill this container and set straight all the logistics to make this a successful voyage. I thank the Lord for their labor of love! The container is filled to its maximum weight of 44,000 lbs - included is:
- French Bibles

- English New Testaments
- Sunday School Materials
- Medical Supplies
- Toys
- Sporting Equipment

Please pray the container arrives in a timely manner without any damage/loss to its contents and during a week in Zambia when the rains are slow! I will be back in Zambia on January 17th and hope to help in the offloading of this container.