Friday, February 19, 2010

Ephesians 6:12

I just received an email from a missionary friend of mine in Zambia. He is working to evangelize, train, and plant churches throughout parts of the Southern and Eastern Provinces of Zambia. Spiritual warfare can take on different meanings but in parts of Zambia... here is the reality.

Two ladies manifested demons, very violent confrontations. One kept screaming in perfect American dialect English, “ You’re nuts, you’re nuts, you are all nuts!” They were biting, head butting, and trying to punch anyone within reach.

The next day we had a testimony service. In preparation for this meeting, Clay cycled around organizing the meetings. A tree had fallen across the path, people were passing under the branches as Clay rode his bike under the tree branches a yellow snake dropped down upon him and wrapped around his shoulders. He froze and the bike coasted as the snake then slid down onto the back of the bike and dropped off on the trail. Clay was tempted to turn back, but continued his journey to Kataba to plan the meeting.

At Kataba, as the meeting started the demonic oppression was so thick you could feel it. I knew that something was wrong but didn’t know what. A witchdoctor has moved into the village from Zimbabwe, his name is Chimwaile. He had slipped into the service. Before long a demon manifested before the preaching could even begin. Milda, a young teen had been married for a year and was unable to conceive. She and her husband visited a witchdoctor and were using a fertility charm, and so she was controlled by evil spirits. After dealing with her, the service continued with another five manifesting. One man was crouching in submission, bound up by a spirit. The Lord worked and many turned to Christ and were set free. The next morning following the Sunday service, we walked a mile down to the water hole. Everything was going fine and then suddenly demons started manifesting all around us. More than six people were knocked down and began convulsing with demons. This was abnormal, and we looked around and noticed a man about two hundred yards away hiding beside a tree. When he was confronted, he admitted that he was a Zionist priest, and had put a curse on the crowd as he viewed us as competition. He agreed to sit at a later date and discuss the Bible. As soon as he left we prayed with the victims of his attack. One by one, they were set free, professed faith in Christ and were baptized in the water hole. I tried to document these strange events with a camera. When I arrived home, that section of the video had been erased from the camera.

We are planning a return meeting to follow up, teach, and encourage the people to follow Christ without wavering. With the increased level of spiritual warfare, your prayers are certainly needed.

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