Sunday, February 20, 2011

they will come...

We visited Nmoro Baptist Church this last Sunday. This church is located a good 20 kilometers out of town and with the bridge being out we made use of the 4 wheel drive to get there. Normally the church starts around 9:00am - however, when we arrived and waited we realized nobody was coming this morning. We were notified of a funeral in a nearby village. Zambian tradition pretty much requires that everyone attends the funeral...which can last 3 or 4 full days. We waited another hour just in cast someone decided to come and then I started to preach to the pastor and my wife. After a few minutes, some people started coming in and we probably ended with 15 or 20 in attendance. I am thankful we didnt just leave because of poor attendance. We had 4 come for prayer and counsel! We rejoice in being a part of what God is doing.


Anonymous said...

Just so everyone knows, Analiese doesn't have her hands out to say, "Somebody take me!" She puts her hands out as if to say, "Hey! Look at me!" :-)
She actually really likes Pastor Benson :)

Mrs. Vicky Smith said...

I don't know about that. I think she was letting you know "You have about two seconds to come get me before I start crying."

Love the Institute logo. I usually view your blog in the reader so I had not seen it before. Like the name too!