Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Kasenga "Baptist Church"

I was asked to come and preach at a "church" in the bush this last week. The church has been without a pastor for 5 years and as far as I could tell they were not very interested in following God's direction for churches. This church is situated in an area where the village head man does not favor Christianity and the local Nyau has a lot of control over the people. In all - the culture/world has impacted the church more than the church has impacted the culture/world.

We preached straight knowing the only solution or true help we could provide is for the Spirit of God to take His Word and really work in the hearts and minds of the people. We had more than 10 people saved that afternoon and even a couple came forward to pray that recognized they have strayed from God's original path for their life.

After the service we met with some of the main people from the church about them having no pastor. I gave them some advice and told them what the Scripture says about the qualifications of a pastor. They seem to want a pastor but many of the men in that area follow culture and Nyau more than the ways of Christ. We really need to see God defeat their fears and bring forth spiritual victory!

An intersting note about this gathering was the amount of people that seem to regularly attend. For a church with no teaching pastor, no clear direction, no presence of God, and no separation from the world - between 100-150 regularly come?? But... why?

1 comment:

Janice said...

I was thinking of the very same question as the one you asked at the end! There are more attending than some churches with leadership. Strange to say the least. They dont serve kool aid do they?!