Anyway, we preached and saw more than 20 come for counseling and eventually make professions of faith in Christ. It certainly was an exciting time. During the preaching I noticed many of the little children were wearing charms around their necks. After the service I asked the Pastor if I could speak with all the women of the church... I then began a discussion of why Christian women were putting charms around the necks of their children. Finally a couple decided to speak up and said it was because they were afraid... afraid that their children would get sick. Apparently they have been deceived into believing that if a mother doesnt get a charm for the child from the witchdoctor the child would likely get sick and die. So, even the Christian women were doing it. I then quoted some Scriptures trying to encourage them to trust in God and no longer fear the power of darkness.
By the end of our conversation I was thinking they were ready to take that next step of faith. I asked them to come and we would cut the charms off the children's neck. Immediately all the women began shaking their heads and talking among themselves. It was apparent this was too big of a step. We left the church wondering what would happen to a people that make professions of faith in Christ but still willingly bring witchcraft into their homes and churches??? It breaks our hearts to see these people trapped in the power of darkness - please pray our Lord would truly set them free!
Completely understand is rampant! We just pray that they would fall so in love with Jesus that they would not worry about culture and what their families think but would follow Christ with all of their hearts and know that HE is their protection!
When I read this I felt so sad for these women and for your discouragement. But I know you have planted the seeds by allowing the Lord to use you by sharing the truth of His Word ... the Lord will not let that be wasted. Psalm 78:1. In their hearts I pray they are listening. Praying for you guys too!
Spiritual growth takes time. Keep them growing in the Word, and in prayer, and let Christ work in them in His own time. Regeneration is instantaneous... Sanctification takes a lifetime.
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