Sunday, September 02, 2012

A nice start

We gathered today under our large shade tree for what appears to be the first church service of "Big Tree Baptist Church"! I didn't really have any idea how many would come. We had only visited 2 families and tried to talk with others but didn't know what type of response we would get. Apparently the Lord led us to the right people as they invited so many other people. We gathered at roughly 10:30 and started singing some hymns with just 4 or 5 people. After about 15 minutes there were about 15 or 16 men. After another 15 minutes there were another 6 or 7 men plus roughly 10 or 12 women. Wow! I was surprised so many came out. I realize some came out of curiosity but I gave them all a clear message from the bible about sin and salvation.  In all, I believe there was roughly 35 adults and I was told there was 21 children.

We will go back Wednesday afternoon for another Bible study as the people seem very interested. I am hoping very soon we will see people make professions of faith in Christ. Please be praying towards this end - it truly would be a wonderful day to see our Lord impact this area of Eastern Province with the Gospel. The harvest truly in plenteous...!

The site of our church - thus the name "Big Tree Baptist church"
After Church as people are talking about the message

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