Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Family Conference + VBS

The main focus of our June team was to teach a Family Conference for the adult members and produce a VBS for the children. The family conference was focused on the biblical roles of marriage, the purpose of marriage, and understanding the commitment of marriage. The family conference started Sunday morning and finished Wednesday afternoon. Each day we had between 40-65 in attendance! We had an amazing conclusion on Wednesday in which many families came to our alter and committed to moving forward and serving the Lord together. My heart was overflowing! 

The children were blessed for three days of teaching as well. From 70-90 children attended each day as our team taught on fundamentals of Christianity using the Creation to Christ methodology. Each lesson was designed to build a foundation and show a specific attribute of Christ. Eventually, the whole picture came into focus as the life of Christ was presented, the Gospel given, and hearts submitted to the call of repentance! Roughly 7 children professed Jesus Christ as their Saviour! What an amazing start and foundation these children will have. 

I like to remind everyone that we are simply building a proper foundation. The work that was done during this conference will continue to help our people and ministry literally for years to come! The building of the foundation is not glorious and usually gets little attention or recognition but do we dare say is the most important part of every long lasting structure! (1 Corinthians 3:10-12)

Pastor Curran teaching at Family Conference

Pastor Curran answering questions

Creation to Christ with VBS

Wise Master Builders

VBS children

VBS tug of rope

VBS children

VBS teaching

VBS children

VBS hearts turning to God

Weak vessels

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