Saturday, July 08, 2006


The trip to Livingstone takes roughly 10 hours from Kafulafuta. Yet, every time we go - I get excited to see some of God's handiwork. There is so much beauty locked up in Africa. The mighty Zambezi river flows over into Zimbabwe to cause "the smoke that thunders". This year, walking near the falls was like taking a shower from all the mist. The game park - although a park, provides a solid glimpse into the real bush of Africa. It can take some time to find the animals, but when you do, it always amazes me how large and powerful and at home they are in the wild! Africa, in many ways is dangerous - yet the danger is often eclipsed by the abounding beauty. My God enjoyed creating the world -- (Genesis 1:31) And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.


-Amy- said...

simply breathtaking!

emily said...

i didn't know you had a blog site! :)
bring it

Kevin P said...

Practice up! We are missing you here. When are you coming back? Stay focused. Keep eyes on Jesus!!