Monday, August 28, 2006

Kitwe West

On Thursday, went out to the "deep" bush to preach a conference. Had no idea what the theme was, but had just prepared to teach a lesson from Exodus and Matthew 7. Although it is a long trip down a very hard "road", it is always worth going and preaching God's truth. Much of Zambia is in poverty, corruption, and despair - and I honestly believe the only way out is through Jesus Christ. After the almost 3 hour drive to the conference center (field in the middle of no where), we were greeted by around 220-250 people.
Had a great time in fellowship with the Pastor's from the area as well as making new friends. As always, the language barrier is difficult, but it seems a smile and friendly face transcends all cultural barriers. In all had 12 people call on the name of the Lord Jesus to be their Saviour and Lord with a few more coming to the altar to repent of sin in their life. It is obviously the Lord that calls, draws, and does the work - but it sure is fun to be His mouthpiece from time to time...

(right) This woman is leading a group of chorus members. All the members have circled around her and the drummers as she orchestrates. It was quite impressive!

(left) This is Titus - he is the host pastor, along with his little boy. His humble church is made of mud brick and grass roofing. His church has around 80 members meeting in a very small building. He is looking to expand as they seem to be growing at a quick rate. Titus has a desire to come to Kafulafuta and be taught for 3 years in our Bible Institute. However, because it is so far from the mission, it would likely mean his church members would be abandoned for that period - obviously not good. It would be ideal to start a new Bible Institute in this area just for men like Titus. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He would send more laborers....

1 comment:

Brian Burnett said...

I pray often for the Lord of the Harvest. It would be great to see another institute start near Titus. Thank you so much for sharing!