Tuesday, November 02, 2010

John 4:10 living water

In Zambia, finding clean water is always a priority. Our family has a water dispenser that uses those 20 litre bottles. Everywhere else in Zambia it is pretty easy to locate these bottles but in Chipata I needed to go on a bit of a search.

I was finally directed to a man that sells 20 litre bottles. He did a water test in front of us to show the quality of his water compared to the council water and compared to a leading brand of bottled water sold from Lusaka. Of course, we were impressed and went on to buy some of his water.

He was a well spoken man and seemed to be very friendly. I later found out he is a Muslim priest here in Chipata. We seemed to develop a good relationship and I look forward to developing our friendship and all the ensuing discussions that will come about. Please be praying! The Lord seems to be opening so many doors of opportunity. We look forward to seeing fruit that remains and hopefully this man will drink of the water that springs up into everlasting life!

1 comment:

A. DeCroce said...

I will be praying that God continues to place people in your life that need to hear about the living water. What an encouragement to me and what an excellent witness your family is to others. God's blessing on your family and the ministry God has entrusted you with.
In His name, Angela (Ciciotti) DeCroce