Monday, January 09, 2012

1 Peter 3

Today I had a man knock on my gate. I didnt recognize the man but he told me he was from an area where I had recently done some teaching. This area is roughly 20-25 km out of town. Turns out his wife attended my most recent teaching and had gone home and told her husband about the teaching. 

The man began to tell me his story. He had made a profession of faith back in 1978 but since then had been given to beer, smoking, and other women. He realized his heart was far from the Lord. He didnt really know what to do but felt he needed to do something. We spent almost 2 hours together talking about Scripture, salvation, forgiveness, repentance, maturity and growth, etc. He admitted that his wife is the spiritually strong one in the family.

It was wonderful to see the testimony of this man's wife bring this man under conviction. Just as we are told in 1 Peter 3, that the husband would "be won by the conversation of the wife" this woman's conversation was having a large impact in this man wanting to come to Christ. I gave the man a Bible and showed him some areas I would like him to read. We prayed together and then I challenged him to make a commitment to truly follow the Lord. 

I asked him to come with me this Sunday as I go out and preach again in a rural area. I am hopeful as more of God's word works within him, he will truly be transformed and set on course to seek the will of God for his life. The place where I have been teaching is called "chanjala" which means "place of hunger". It is my hope that this place truly becomes a place where the people hunger and thirst after righteousness! Please be praying for this man (Mr. Phiri).


Richard Sims said...

best of luck in your ministry. it is no easy task to distill meaning from the bible: that ancient and confusing book

Brian said...

What a great testimony! It's SO encouraging (and, frankly, just plain neat) to see life working exactly the way the Bible says it's supposed to when folks allow Christ to work and live through them.