Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Taxi Driver "Accident"

This morning around 7 am a taxi driver lost control of his vehicle as he was trying to overtake another vehicle. The result was him hitting head on into the corner of our wall fence. I was told by one person that someone on a bicycle was hit and taken to the hospital. The police said no one was hurt only damages to the vehicles and wall fence. There are many people that bring their goods to market using the side of the road by our house each morning around this time. We truly thank the Lord more hurt wasnt caused by such foolish driving. I am not really sure if someone got hurt or if only damage was done. Please pray. Unfortunately, this type of event is too much of a norm.


Janice said...

Wow! Your entry looks like it should be on my blog!! lol

Glad it wasnt any worse. Your wall looks like it too the hit pretty well!

Kevin P said...

yea, the wall is strong. Many of the onlookers commented on its strength. it was a good place of impact from the walls perspective... not so good from the vehicles perspective.
come on over soon... this too can be part of your life ;-)