Tuesday, May 08, 2012

not forgotten

Over the last few months we have been visiting Magwero school for the Deaf and for the Blind. It didn't take long for us to see the need for the school, dorms, and overall condition of the facilities. The school is kind of tucked out of the way and maybe that is why people seem to forget about the needs of these children. There are close to 150 children that attend the deaf school and almost 50 that attend the blind school. 

We recently started up a small project to finish a classroom block representing 5 classrooms. Previously, there were no doors, windows, or a proper floor making it very cold in the winter season, very dusty in the hot season, and even wet during the rainy season. Certainly not ideal learning conditions. We are hoping to finish our project in the next 2 weeks that will transform the facility giving the students a proper place to learn and maybe more importantly help them to know they are not forgotten. 

Along with school rooms, we are also helping to replace a water tank for the deaf school. Currently the school is using a bore hole connected to a water tank. However, a couple months ago the water tank was punctured and couldn't hold enough water to meet the drinking, bathing, and sanitation needs of the school. Thanks to the donations of some friends, we will replace the tank later this week and the students/community will have clean drinking water available to them again.

1 comment:

Janice said...

Wow! That is so awesome that these kids will have light from the sun... and hopefully the SOn in the days to come as you have opportunity to minister!! Imagine being deaf, and learning in dark rooms...!!