Saturday, May 05, 2012

Taking steps

I must admit there were many lessons I have taught that I rushed through and later wondered why the people didn't ever change or truly understand. Lately, I have realized, teaching the Bible is not about finishing the lesson but about people knowing the Lord. When we plant a seed, it takes time for it to grow and produce any real fruit. Even when we think of a baby - if you give the child all the food in the world, it will still only grow at a certain rate. I believe the same is true of Christians. Jesus spent time with His followers and if we are going to impact people time is going to be required to slowly nurture and provide the spiritual food that is necessary. 

That being said, it is wonderful to see a group of people growing even at the smallest rate. The last few weeks I have been working with our Bible study in the bush to memorize all 66 books of the Bible in order. Today, 3 of the group members stood in front and recited all 66 books! Each week we are memorizing a new verse or portion of Scripture and teaching a basic lesson. Just baby steps but in only 5 weeks our group has memorized:
  • John 3:16
  • John 14:6
  • Psalm 23:1
  • Proverbs 3:5-6
  • Psalms 34:7-9
Almost the whole group is able to recite the memory verses and there is a contagious talk about spiritual things that is happening. We praise the Lord for these baby steps! I originally had planned to teach 1 lesson in 1 week, but it appears that 1 lesson has spread into 4 weeks.  I am reminded each week, just take a step...

1 comment:

Janice said...

So neat that you have just seen Analiese go through all of these little steps and now the spiritual application is so much more clear. Keep on!

Really the more I know God, the more I realize it is the foundational things that are the most important... Amen :)