Tuesday, October 07, 2014

the whole world in His hands

There is an old Sunday school songs that goes, "He's got the whole world in His hands...He's got the whole world in His hands...." As we sing this song there are smiles on the faces of young people and old alike. The idea is simple - Jesus Christ (God manifest in the flesh) literally has the whole of mankind and the world in the palm of His hand. We take it to mean that everything is going to be ok. 

Truly - the God understood in the Scripture is in control and does have the whole world in His hand. Yet, when we face the thoughts of Ebola, ISIS, wild fires, terrorism, famine, and world hunger it is easy to quickly forget about the encompassing hands of the Lord.

The command to go into the world (Matthew 28:18-19) is ever ringing from the pulpits of New Testament churches. This command seems reasonable when nations are receptive, economies stable, and politics are western friendly. Yet worldly stability has no bearing on the command - the church still should and must confront the sin of the world with the solution of Jesus Christ. In fact, the message becomes more powerful when Biblical Christians run into the storms of this world only equipped with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

As Jesus once said... the harvest is plenteous but the labourers are few. Few because we often get caught up in the tribulations of this world instead of better understanding the triumph promised through Christ. Pray.  


Janice said...

Amen! So so well said. Thankful for so much.

Lenora Houser said...

My God be with you from Bend ,Or