Monday, September 29, 2014

Big Tree Two Year Anniversary

We had quite a wonderful celebration on Sunday (Sept 28th). Yesterday marked the two year anniversary of the beginning of our efforts to reach the Malongwe village area with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am deeply touched as I think about the many lives changed as sins have been forgiven and purpose and peace given. Hallelujah! Big Tree Baptist Church is not a very large place. Maybe if a stranger came he would not think much of our grass roof and mud pews and walls. Yet, in this humble building deep transformation has been found as the truth of God's word continually is declared and people seek that path of righteousness. 

We invited a guest baptist preacher from town (Harrison Banda) to encourage and challenge our people. Wow! He did just that. He spoke from Deuteronomy discussing blessings and cursings then brought it together as it relates to the New Testament Christian and the temple within them. Truly blessed. At the close, we asked if anyone would like to re-dedicate their life to walking with Christ... in God-like manner, the Spirit moved, and more than 20 adults immediately responded.. My heart was overflowing. 

 As is traditional with Baptist heritage - we celebrated with a church wide meal including goat meat, nshima, cabbage, beans, and tomatoes. Perfect day. As we all sat around talking and enjoying fellowship the children had made kites from bamboo stick and discarded plastic bags which provided great entertainment!

Sunday school reciting verses

Pastor Banda exhorting the people from God's word

Kite flying

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