Saturday, September 30, 2006

Kalembula Church

This last Sunday (9/22), attended Church at Kalembula Bible Baptist Church in the Kitwe West region. The drive is roughly 2.5 hours over some interesting "roads" - thankfully, the crew that went with me was a lot of fun. Arrived at the church right at 10 am only to find out that church does not start until 11am! Well - not like we can just come back later. So, we just spent some time enjoying being in the quiet of the bush and discussing with the Bible students the opportunities to minister in such a place.
Although the building itself looks in rough shape, the spirit of the people truly confirmed again the "church" of Christ is not a building but rather a fellowship of believers! This tiny little "building" had some 69 people in attendance - I was amazed. I believe the Lord brought all of us there to remind us it is not the building that matters, but the relationship of the believers with the Father.
Preached a message concerning "walking in newness of life" from Romans 6. It really is a great text that challenges all of us to produce a deeper sanctification and seek that closeness with Christ that is desired by our Saviour! The people seemed to enjoy the message (at least they stayed awake!) as many were taking notes and from facial expressions, they were keeping up with the thought pattern being presented.



Anonymous said...

And what a beautiful body of believers there..........the photos are great and a triple AMEN to everything you said!!

Anonymous said...

great testimony K-man - wish I could have heard the message - sounds like a good one.

From the smile it looks like Michael was on the trip with you - I'm sure he was a big help with the 2.5 hour car ride