Monday, September 04, 2006


This last Sunday, we traveled roughly 45 minutes down a "road" to end up at a new church called Mfungu Bible Baptist. There were roughly 30 in attendance as the pastor has begun to grow this church. The pastor (Musonda) rides a bicycle a few hours every month to Kafulafuta to receive training in order he can better know the Bible and feed the sheep the Lord has given to him.

Although the work is small, the pastor is excited to be a part of what God is doing. I would describe the church as very humble, constructed only of tree poles and thatched roofing. The church has not had enough resources to make mud bricks or expand past their current state. It is a good reminder that church does not need to take place in a fancy building in order for church to take place!



Anonymous said...

How refreshing to hear and see other believers worshipping Him in the simplicity that is in christ! Praise Him! -Amos-

Kevin P said...

very refreshing!