In order to reach these people with the gospel message, efforts will be made to venture away from Chipata central in order to locate villages and towns that have yet to hear the name of Jesus Christ.
Chipata is a developing town. I am praying on whether to start a new Bible Institute/mission station in Chipata modeled after the work at Kafulafuta. A second option is to possibly move out deeper into the bush not necessarily building a mission station but beginning some preaching/teaching points. This option is likely less expensive but more likely to falter over the years. Depending on mission philosophy, both options have pros and cons.
Go big or go home... thats all I have to say!
"Heb 11:8 By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went."
We can learn a lot from Abe- I am experiencing that more and more all the time
Yea - I would like the go big solution... I just need the God of the Bible to open the windows! In the mean time, I will be diligently seeking HIM!!
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