Monday, July 16, 2007

July Prayer Requests

  1. August Bible Conference in Zambia – souls saved, Christians encouraged in the faith (Rom 10:1)
  2. Groups traveling to Zambia to be spiritually prepared and culturally sensitive (Matt 10:16)
  3. Preaching opportunities (Rom 10:8)
  4. Like minded people to join me in Chipata (Matt 9:38)


Anonymous said...

Hi Kevin, can you give us an update on your Chipata plans? How's it coming, what's your timeline look like, what resources do you have and what resources do you need?

Your Friend,

Kevin P said...

hi Jeremy,
Plans are coming along. I am about half way to my goal. If all goes well, I plan on getting back to Zambia mid-2008. One of my key resources needed is the development of the fish ponds. Some people have already volunteered labor and equipment, now it is just a matter of getting it together. Let me know how much detail you are looking for and I can email you.
