Thursday, January 24, 2008

Little lessons...

After service at Kafulafuta Baptist Church on Sunday - I was waiting for a friend to finish up with some discussions and found a couple little girls interested in the missionary. Although communication was limited to a bunch of smiles, giggles, and handshakes - we all became friends that day! It is so easy to get caught up in the "real" part of life (flooding, starvation, disease, poverty, sickness, corruption, power-loss, preaching, teaching, going, doing, living) that we sometimes miss the most precious part of "real" life.

As I looked at these little girls, they had no concerns for the rest of their day, week, month, year, or life - in fact, they were just thrilled with the moment they were in. Of course Jesus said, "take no thought for tomorrow..." and we are often encouraged to live in the present since our life really is a vapour. I walked away from these kids being taught an adult lesson - smiling & giggling is a lot of fun that doesn't need to be left in childhood. I realize we are to be sober in this life - but at the same time, these little girls reminded me of the simple joys that can be found around every corner --- thank you girls!


Savannah said...

They are too cute! They seem to be real happy that the missionary was taking their picture too! What fun:-) I'm glad you were able to receive that little lesson and blessing!

Anonymous said...

We need to give everything to Him and "become as little children" (Matthew 18:3) then what joy and peace we will have!

Janice said...

Lesson learned! Laughter is good medicine... even if it means the list isn't all crossed off at the end of the day !

Anonymous said...

Here's a lesson. Blog more! :)

Anonymous said...

Glad everything's going well over there. Those little girls are so precious-great lesson.

Toma said...

That picture reminded me of a little boy that I met almost 20 years ago when I went to Chihuahua, Mexico on a mission trip. His name is Arturo, and I still remember his smile and his following me around like a puppy dog. I have remebered his face many times over the years and continue to pray for him, may the Lord continue to impress upon your heart the needs of the children in Africa, as well as the other duties you find yourself surrounded with. Luke 18:16 God bless you.