Thursday, August 14, 2008

Make Shift Dental/Medical Clinic

During our annual conference - not only do we have a team from America that comes and feeds the people spiritually, but we have a team that comes to help with dental needs. For the last many years Dr. Elias has come and been a blessing to the Zambian people by extracting teeth and providing quality dental work that is unavailable or unaffordable to most Zambians. This year, Dr. Elias also assembled a medical team to come and help. This is a huge blessing - over the last three days, they have seen over 165 patients and we expect they will likely double this by the time they finish on Saturday.
Please pray for two specific children. One child is five years old - his name is Prince and is HIV positive. He had 5 teeth extracted. He was in a lot of pain. It was an emotional time in the clinic as the gravity of this little boy weighed on all of us. It feels great to help so many people - but to realize for many, this help is very temporary is stunning. The second child is an infant with a severe case of Malaria - the doctors were not able to break the high fever and are very concerned.


Anonymous said...
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Andy said...

Bro. Kevin,
I count it such an honor to be a part of your ministry. As an comfortable American I could not imagine trying to understand the truths of Jesus through the pain of bad teeth. You have opened my eyes once again to real ministry!


Andy Roberts

Savannah said...

Now that lady in pink looks like she is HAPPY! Proud of those teeth too! That's so nice- I'm happy for them... :)