Monday, May 11, 2009

Agape / Matt 28

Pastor Chisenge asked me about 6 weeks ago to come and preach to his people and help with the baptismal service at Agape Baptist church. His church has become one of my favorites as the people seem to truly embrace God's word and seek Christ! This was the first church I brought my wife in January - she was thrilled to lead a young lady to Christ that day. Yesterday, I had the wonderful privilege of baptizing that same young lady.

I preached a message from Acts 3 about the lame man:
  1. Name of Jesus is better than money
  2. Name of Jesus produces growth
  3. Name of Jesus enables change
  4. Name of Jesus requires repentance
We had a number of people come to the place of decision as the Lord seemed to be speaking to the hearts of many! Praise the LORD!!

I put some pictures from the church as well as some from the baptism. You will notice people gathering all over the side of the creek as well as kids were even climbing trees to get a good view!

1 comment:

Mrs. Vicky Smith said...

I just love the dancing photos!