Saturday, May 02, 2009

Nteke Youth Conference

I was invited to preach at a youth conference today at 10 am. There were 11 churches that had gathered. The youth can be defined as anyone under the age of 35 - irrelevant of age, marital statues, # of children, etc. As always with the youth, they were alive and excited to have gathered together.

I preached a message from Mark 8 about denying self, picking up our cross, and following Christ. I noted 4 types of followers:
  1. Fake Follower
  2. Foolish Follower
  3. Far-Off Follower
  4. Faithful Follower
As always, I ask you to pray that God takes the seed that has been planted and allows the hearers to reject bad tradition, reject sin pressure, and fully embrace a life that follows and faithfully pleases Christ.


Hoep said...

I would love some notes on the sermon. Your points caught my attention.

Hope said...

Sorry I can't type!