Sunday, December 06, 2009

Class of 2009

Before going to the graduation hall, we met at the church to pray together, rehearse the schedule of events, and just work out the kinks before we began the day. All of the 12 graduates were thrilled and could hardly contain themselves! Graduating a three year program is a significant accomplishment that is not taken lightly by these Zambian graduates! Some of their testimonies reference the struggles they endured getting to this point but how God showed Himself Faithful!!

A big thank you to Dr. Brado for sending over the graduation gowns/caps and to those that donated and helped get them here!


Janice said...

Please PLEASE give Kapolo our heartiest congratulations!!! Let him know the eagle framed picture he made for us is beautifully displayed in our home, and we pray God's richest blessings on his life!

While we are very proud of them all-he holds a special place in our hearts!

Anonymous said...

Those look familiar! Awesome :)