Friday, December 04, 2009

December Marriage Seminar

This week at Kafulafuta we had the second marriage seminar of 2009. The idea was to have one early in the year and a second at the end of the year to act as bookends. We tried to emphasize over 2009 that a strong family can help create a strong church. Zambia certainly is a different culture than my American upbringing, but Biblical principles cross all cultures and are able to produce healthy, quality families. There were not as many at this marriage seminar due to heavy rains and the need to cultivate fields but those that were able to come were blessed and went home excited to build their family and marriage. Please be praying for both the husbands and the wives to do their part in serving each other and training up their children. A healthy family is not something that just happens but something that takes steps each day.

1 comment:

RB said...

I see you are doing marriage seminars. I am getting married next year and our marriage counsellors recommended 3 books and also do a video series with us. They were really really good and all go right from the bible inthe principles and you know where the principles come from cause they read the passage first and then expand on them.

So if you are interested in further study I will list them here for you.

Daughters of Sarah by Genevive White
Sons of Abraham by White (her husband)

Here is the website where you can buy them:

Love and Respect
Here is where you can buy them on amazon

or at Christian

THe DVD series which is VERY VERY good and I am actually getting it for our church libarary is
A Biblical Portrait of Marriage
By Bruce Wilkinson
here is the website where you can buy the DVD series

Anyway if you were to read them i know you would find them helpful. Even to have other people read and that. They are really really good and also easy to read and the DVD is easy to listen to. if you go the websites you will find them there where you can buy them online.

My parents (missionaries in Zambia as well) have had to much wedding counselling in Zambia with people are getting this DVD series as well. They also have used the DVD series. The DNA of realtionships.
They have found this helpful to watch with the people there.

So anyway just thought I would tell you about that in case you were interested.

(by the way in case you don't know who I am I am a friend of Amy Smiths)

--Ra. Brooks