Monday, June 28, 2010

Nehemiah 4:6

We visited Maunda Bible Baptist Church on Sunday. This church came to me last year asking for help with their roofing project. I told the Pastor that if the people could raise 1,500,000 ZKM that the mission would help with the rest. Initially the Pastor was discouraged at trying to raise such a large amount of money. I encouraged him to use this as a "faith project" his people could learn to trust the Lord with as they sacrificially gave. It is with great excitement that 2 weeks ago the church brought the last 200,000 necessary to make the 1.5 million commitment. These people have already built the church walls and now are just waiting to construct the roof - truly they have "a mind to work". We all rejoiced as we glory in all that God is doing in His people!! Our God is Faithful and delights to reward them that diligently seek Him!!

I preached from 2 Timothy 1:7 on being controlled by fear or by the power of God. It seemed like the people understood the message as 2 were saved and 2 came for repentance. Praise the LORD!

The church is still meeting in the "old" building which you see below. We had attendance of 75 which was pretty much a full house! I have included some pictures of the unfinished new building. When complete, it should be able to hold between 150-175 people! Please continue praying for this church as they will need to make benches, cement the floor and walls, and raise funds for doors!


Louise Metzger said...

Praise God for increasing the faith of the people in this church! Will be praying for them.
also, look at how big our baby is getting! and your wife is so beautiful! love you all!

Unknown said...

does get any cutter than this??? she is do gowgeous!:) i miss you guys so much! i may just have to hope on the first think smokin and come to zambia w/you guys! i miss the hangouts (or one hangout) that we did! cant wait to hangout w/u guys again! your constantly in my prayers! love ya!