Monday, April 14, 2014

Big Tree Baptist - April Baptism (video)

This last Sunday was special. Our ministry partner (Dan Jalowiec) preached a great message about King David and the impact of trying to hide our sin. Powerful! There was a great response concerning this message as well as an overall excitement for the things of God. Just "feels" like the Lord is working in and among the people. Praise the LORD!

After the service we prepared ourselves for the announced Baptism. For the last couple weeks we have been talking about church membership and during that talk we discussed Baptism. That led to a discussion about those that had not yet been baptized. I was surprised! After I taught about biblical baptism, I asked for people to tell about their salvation and when they received Christ... out of the 16 that wanted to be baptized, probably 13 of them had been saved in the last few months! Amen! That is exciting news. We are always glad to have mature Christians come from elsewhere to be a part of our church but there is a true excitement when people are being transformed as a part of the work the Lord is doing here!! 

I put together a video of the baptism - it is a bit raw and probably close to 15 minutes (slow internet doesn't allow for large file uploads). I was not able to pan the shore so everyone could be seen but I think you can hear from the singing that a size-able crowd has come to be a part of this celebration and act of faith! 


Unknown said...

Kevin... how wonderful blessings to everyone... praying that the ,Holy Spirit continues blessing your efforts!

Kevin P said...

Thank you so much for your prayers! Please continue!! We want to see the Spirit of God do His work!!