Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sunday school starting...

We started a Sunday School time before our regular church service this week. I was not sure how many would remember or even want to come. When we first arrived, there was only 6-7 that came... so, we started with just a handful. But, after another 15-20 minutes, we had a pretty full house and people seemed excited to be learning. I started our Sunday school time with teaching on the basics of "evangelism". We handed out a sheet of verses that can be useful while trying to talk to someone about the gospel. We also covered such things as: Sin, Faith/Repentance, Blood, Sacrifice, Jesus Christ only, Salvation. Think it went well.. we will know as people head out to reach their friends and neighbors! 

I was told we had roughly 80 adults in attendance this last Sunday with 6 visitors. Wow! We may need to think about expanding our church building to better facilitate teaching and preaching. Praising the Lord for our weekly opportunity to teach and preach God's word!

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