Monday, September 18, 2006


This past Saturday, received a call from Pastor Luwawa to notify they had just killed a snake. He was wondering if I would like to see a "large" African snake... of course, I did! When I arrived, I found a 6-7 ft dead spitting cobra. (better dead than alive). Although the snake was clearly dead, it was fun to watch as people would walk by and view the snake with fear. Even to come within 3-5 ft caused too much stress for most Zambians. One of the Bible Institute men told me the next day he had bad dreams of snakes all night long...
The one unfortunate side, in the process of killing the snake, one of the Pastor's dogs was spit in the eye by the venom from the snake. A few hours later, the dog could hardly open his eyes and I am left to only believe he will eventually lose vision in at least one eye.


Anonymous said...


emily said...

holy cow, that's amazing! I was watching a crocodile hunter episode (haha) the other day and he was in Namibia ... and found one of those spitting cobras. I guess the venom is really a problem when it gets in your eyes ...... poor dog :(
wish I could've seen it, though! :) hehe

-Amy- said...

I think I can promise to never try and hold one of those :S

Kevin P said...

I can't imagine a desire to actually pick one up!!!

Anonymous said...

That is really an incredible sight!!
It goes with the territory.........sweet dreams :o)
Keeping you in prayer.