Saturday, October 28, 2006


This year's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held at Maisait Bible Baptist Church. Every year, GCMS has a meeting to discuss the events of the last year and plan for the events of the upcoming year. Before the meeting actually takes place, we incorporate a time of teaching a preaching while most of the leadership is present. It is a great way to unify everyone and bring people together.
This year, I was asked to teach on leadership. After much study and prayer, I decided to teach on the life of Moses and the key attribute of his leadership ability, humility/meekness. I tried to show how the 'glory of the Lord' was often in the leadership and life of Moses. It was through the glory of the Lord that Moses realized his place before God and
was able to live in humility before both God and man.
This is the type of teaching that everyone appreciates,
but it rarely implemented. We all would say with our mouth we want to be humble and meek, yet most of us never really strive for such a thing. At the end of the meeting, the entire congregation got on their knees, and prayed, asking the Lord to show forth His glory in their life, enabling them to walk in meekness and humility.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! sounds like a wonderful time. If we truly saw the glory of the Lord, our lives would be transformed.