Monday, October 23, 2006

Sunday Services

Over the past two weeks, I visited two different churches. I have been unable to blog due to some health issues, so I am trying to catch up by putting two churches in one post. The first church (Lemba Bible Baptist) is located past Mpongwe down a wide dirt road. The church is in a building project and is almost finished. All that is needed is a roof! The church is praying the roof will be completed before the rains begin in the next few weeks... once the money comes in, it does not take long for the completion.

The second church visited (Twatema Bible Baptist) is located in the opposite direction taking rouhly 2 full hours. The first part of the trip is quick in which the road are paved. The second part of the trip is very rough going through extremely dense bush, over rocks, and tree roots, and over "bridges" hastily constructed.
Both trips were well worth the difficulties of the day. It seems the greater the difficulty in doing something, the more the Lord tends to reward the effort. In both services we had many come forward confessing sins and desiring to come to the Lord.
As you can see, Twatemwa is also in the midst of a construction process. The church on the left is simply made of mud brick with a grass roof. The church member have created a new building to the right made from burnt brick and hope to soon have roofing sheets added once some adjustments are made to the contstuction of the building.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems like alot of children in that first picture...