Tuesday, October 10, 2006


This last Saturday I was invited to attend a youth fundraising activity. The youth in the Mpatomato area were all coming together to raise money so they could afford transport to different sections of town. The idea was then they would go and evangelize, but I am pretty sure the event was just planned so they could all get together and have fun! And fun they did have!! There was plenty of singing and dancing and even some well done skits - all in all, everyone had a great time.
The Zambian youth culture
is changingng - just a few years ago, there was a large distinction between Zambian youth and American youth - the gap seems to be shrinking. The Zambian youth have the same music, clothes, and language.
I was asked to preach two mes
sages - of course, I preached from the life of Joseph a man that had true character and the Lord used, even at the age of 17. As well as preaching from James 3, and the difficulty but necessity of controlling to tongue! It was all well received and fun to be a part of. Zambia will be in fine shape if these youth develop into the Christian leaders and workers they desire to be!


Anonymous said...

I see what you mean by the Zambian youth's dress, interesting.Sound's like you spoke to them what they needed to hear and praise God for that opportunity for you/the Word to have hopefully made an impact!!
What are those high towers in the background of the picture, they almost look like a light house.
Jesus is...........the Light House, Amen!!

Kevin P said...

Time will tell - Jesus is the Light, unfortunately, there is zero need for lighthouses in Zambia! Those are cell phone towers :) How about, "he that hath ears to hear, let him ear"?