Monday, April 07, 2008

Chilimulilo Bible Baptist Chuch

We visited a rural church this last Sunday. The pastor, Dickson Lyobwe, has a good work going. Although the physical side of the church is falling down - the spiritual side of the church seems to be growing. I visited this church last in November of 2006 - the attendance was low and the people seemed unsure about true doctrine. Yesterday the church was alive with excitement - many had Bibles open, taking notes during the preaching, and singing choruses full of Bible doctrine. This church is right in the beginning stages of a new church building - their current building is made of mud bricks. The average life span of such a brick is only 2 years. Their new church is being made of burned brick - which should last at least 15-20 years. Of course, there is more work and a greater expense involved in doing this but normally this expense pays dividends later.

We had two people come forward after the service - one woman received Christ as her sin bearer and another man just needed to deal with some sin issues. In all, attendance was 51 plus a bunch of children that were not counted as part of the official record. On a side note - the church "roof" was made of tree branches and made too low for my height. During the entire service - I was careful, however, after the service I ran full speed into a large branch - ouch! Just not something one normally thinks about....


Anonymous said...

great stuff KP! thanks for the updates on what is happening over there.

Savannah said...

Neat pictures! :-)

Unknown said...

the branch thing happened to me at first bible just the other day;) hey do you regularly get e-mails at your e-mail address that you send up dates to? my e-mail address has recently changed and i lost yours.

Unknown said...

send your updates with*