Monday, April 21, 2008

received with all readiness of mind

From last Thursday to Sunday we were in the North West province of Zambia teaching and preaching to the church leadership in the city of Mwinilunga. On the 9 hour drive there - over some very rough roads, I questioned my sanity in wanting to make this trip. However, once arriving and spending time around God's word for a few hours - the long trip became well worth it.

The leadership of Mwinilunga all came together for this conference. It was a time of revival. A time of renewal. A time of repentance. Each teaching session and each preaching session seemed to build on itself as if the Spirit of God orchestrated it all. As I looked across the congregation - many had notebooks and pens working overtime to keep up with all they were being taught. It is a real joy to see the joy of the Lord and the commitment of faith in the life of believers!

The leadership asked me to come back at the end of August for a large general conference that would include people from the Congo, Angola, and through the North West province of Zambia. Please pray for the Lord's leading in all of this - this particular time of the year is very busy but I am struggling to find any real excuses for not wanting to go preach to people desiring to hear God's word!


Savannah said...

I'm glad you had a great trip! And I love the pictures...Neat skirts the ladies were wearing! :-)

Amy said...

It's awesome to hear all that God is doing in Zambia. Know that you all are remembered in prayer continually. Thanks for posting the pics. Good to see familiar faces! Praying for fruit and fruit that will remain in the mission in Zambia.

Janice said...

I LOVE the picture of all the men, and the older man in the middle "waving a hello" to the camera! So great! I read these posts and cannot wait to be in Zambia again! I know it is a sin to covet, but can I be a little jealous that you are there and we are not?!

Praying for you, and glad to hear all went so well!

... if you go back in August, will you need more pens for there, too? HA!

Mrs. Vicky Smith said...

What is the total cost for fuel round-trip? In USD?

Seems that you are doing great by the sound of your recent posts. Always praying for you!

Kevin P said...

Thanks for praying!!

Jan - can't wait for you all to be here!! PLEASE come quickly! I feel like things are really going to take off once you all are here..

Vicky- total cost of fuel was around $300. They just announced a 7% increase in all fuel costs - so it will be up even more. oh well, just praise the Lord we had the money to make the trip!

Alex said...

Kevin, it is really great to keep updated with these posts. I wanted to let you know that we wanted to get the kids in the habit of praying for missionaries and pastors a few months ago. Since then, my son Elijah prays for Kevin Pestke each time he prays - breakfast, lunch, nighttime - whenever. Thought you'd get a kick out of that.