Monday, May 26, 2008

Kapupula BBC

This church is in the midst of starting all over --- the old pastor left the church and so the people fell away. The new pastor (Elvis) - a graduate of the Bible Institute - has been there since December and is working hard to bring back the old members, evangelize and baptize, and teach doctrine. Elvis has brought the church from 7 members to 28 in just a couple months - this last Sunday we had 5 visitors come. During the invitation, 4 came forward to receive Christ as Saviour. Praise the LORD!

Please pray for this little church - the church structure is made from mud and will only last 1 year before needing to be constructed again. Elvis would like to build a new church from the much stronger burnt brick - in order for this to happen, the whole church will need to get involved. It is my prayer that these people will truly have a "mind to work".

At the same time the physical work moves forward - please pray that spiritual growth would move forward as well. Many of the members are local farmers or do piece work for larger farms. It is easy to see this church truly blossom and grow rapidly but for this to happen and last long term, it needs to be a church rooted and grounded on the Scripture!


Janice said...

Marco Polo is certainly traveling the roads! It is great to see these churches and have you follow up with them. That there are some at all means the seed is being sown. Little is much when God is in it!

Unknown said...

hey kevin, we'll continue to pray!
you seeing any people that are trying to get away from south africa during all the violence? sorry that might be a stupid question i'm not sure where exactly you are in zambia...

Kevin P said...

hi Matt, thanks for praying. We are too far north to be impacted but it is on the minds/hearts of almost everyone. Very tragic and desperate situation.