Monday, September 22, 2014

my loud neighbors

We happen to live next to an Islamic mosque here in Zambia. Every day and multiple times throughout the day there is an Islamic call to prayer or an "adhan". According to what I understand this is an integral part of the Muslim faith and is often time the first sound a new born baby hears or the first sounds allowed into a new home. From my limited understanding of Islam, this very loud sound should almost entice the hearers to come and pray! 

I must admit - for the last couple years I almost got so good at tuning this sound out that I didn't even hear it most of the time. However, over the last few months I have found myself listening more and more to this "lyrical and inspiring" prayer. I don't have much to compare this 'prayer' with but it has crossed my mind more than once that the people on the other side of the loud speaker are out of tune. Now I don't want this to sound like much of a critique since, (if you know me) I am almost never able to carry a tune. Yet, this is my confusion. Nobody is asking me to join the church choir. Nobody is asking me to lead a chorus or hymn. However, in my little town here in Zambia, every day, we hear the droning of "Adhan" from some apparently uninspired men. 

Maybe a question for another day... if praying is so important, why the need for the constant reminder?

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