Thursday, September 25, 2014

unstable times

Isaiah 33:6 And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure. 

It doesn't take more than a quick perusal of the different news stations to realize there is much tribulation in this world. There is unresolved military conflict in North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, and Russia to name just a few. There is a deadly Ebola virus that threatens West Africa and could cause hundreds of thousands of deaths (says CDC). People are being abducted all around the world. Small school girls are being taken from their classrooms and never returned. Tribulation is upon us the world.

Yet, throughout the Scripture we see over and over again the peace and stability that is known to those near to the Lord. Imagine, wisdom and knowledge brings stability? So, if we are living in a world of instability it is likely because biblical wisdom and knowledge is not prevailing. 

The hope we bring as missionaries to Zambia is not financial, academic, or really developmental in almost any way --- but, we do bring stability. We bring stability because our focus is to bring that strength of salvation to the people and build that foundation of wisdom and knowledge in order to make straight that which is crooked. Oh, that our Lord would bring an excitement for wisdom and that Christ's salvation would take control of the hearts of all of us! 

Truly, all this stability and salvation is right there - we just need to open the Word of God and allow our Lord Jesus Christ to speak. That is my prayer for the people of Zambia and for my own family. 

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