Thursday, June 14, 2007

Bellingham, WA

The Wednesday evening service started about 7 - the pastor, his family and one other family had arrived. I was a bit worried it would be a small crowd. However, within the next 10 - 15 minutes another 20 or so people had wandered through the doors. It was a great service - the pastor has an amazing zeal and love for God.
Just recently his church went through some difficult times that did leave a scar but did strengthen the body as a whole. Amazing how those two opposites can actually work in unison! After the service was over, the pastor asked all the church members to stay behind and with a prayer partner spend some time with the Lord. I enjoy seeing how the Lord uses each pastor in different ways. The body of Christ truly is diverse!!
The pastor took me back to his house after the service and spent a couple hours just talking with me and giving me names and numbers of area pastors he think could help me reach Africa. It certainly is exciting when a man that hardly knows me is willing to put his name on the line in order for me to accomplish a piece of the Great Commission - To God be the Glory!!

“Availability is rarer than ability”-Anonymous.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like Romans 5. Trials are indeed a blessed part of the Christian life... It's exciting to see how God is leading you!

emily said...

wow, God really does seem to have arranged "divine appointments" for you so far on this trip. :)
I love it!