Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ecc 7:2

Sharon Kalusa, the wife to one of the local pastors here at Kafulafuta went to be with Jesus. She left a husband and two small children behind. Yesterday I spent the day at a funeral. I was expecting to be there for maybe 2 hours - in the end, it was an ALL day event. It was well worth it...

There was a crowd of probably 400 people that gathered. Family members, friends, politicians, police officers, pastors - you name it - this family is well loved. Please pray for Pastor Kalusa and his children as there will be a large adjustment in all of their lives.

As Solomon states, it is better to go to the house of morning... although I have never enjoyed going to funerals, there is something sobering and penetrating that occurs. It is a time of reflection that forces a person to re-think what is important and be reminded of the frailty of life. Oh to God we would not waste this life...


The Benoit Family said...

I know Jonathan Edwards and Leonard Ravenhill have both stated "Lord, stamp eternity on my eyes". There is a great truth to that brother.

Tozer said "We Christians must simplify our lives or lose untold treasures on earth and in eternity. Modern civilization is so complex as to make the devotional life all but impossible. The need for solitude and quietness was never greater than it is today."

The struggle is real and society or the world makes it no easier. To take the counsel of Paul from Colossians 3:1, 2 is the hope.

I will be praying for the pastor and his family as well as yourself and Savannah.

Kevin P said...

thank you Dave - amazing how easy it can be to lose focus. Your reference to Col 3:1-2 is so real for today's church. Appears the Lord knew how easily distracted His people could be!