Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Maunda Bible Baptist

Although Savannah has not been feeling well, over the weekend, it was my turn to have stomach problems. All night Friday and throughout the entire day on Saturday I was experiencing the joys of food poisoning. I was not sure if I would have the ability or strength to preach at church on Sunday.

Thankfully, after carefully getting out of bed on Sunday all systems checked out for a GO! It was a wonderful service - the Pastor seems to have a good handle on what needs to be happening for spiritual growth. I preached a message from James 1 - in which 3 people responded to the call of salvation!

Being sick was a reminder of how fragile we truly are made. We like to think we are in control but it only takes a minor sickness for us to be reminded that our bodies require a delicate balance that only God can hold together!


Dan said...

Praise the Lord. He is always faithful, even when we don't feel strong enough to do the work. Thanks for your faithfulness, though, in doing your part of the work. Eternal differences for three souls for Christ. May God receive the glory.

Unknown said...

happy birthday!!!