Monday, December 22, 2014
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from Big Tree Bible Baptist Church in Zambia! This is a special our Sunday school put together... singing "Merry Christmas" and reciting Isaiah 9:6. To God be the Glory!
Thursday, November 27, 2014
My brother in law lives in Alaska and, of course, my wife lives in Africa --- so, they don't get to see each other very often is an understatement. However, the team that came in November wanted to do something special for Savannah so they decided to surprise her with a visit from her brother.
Josh traveled all the way from Wasilla, Alaska to join the Alabama team and surprise her. It was a huge blessing. The surprise remained in tact and Savannah squealed with excitement as tears flowed. Josh was able to see a bit of Zambia, the ministry we are involved with, as well as spend time with his sister and three nieces. Joy was found and love sprung forth.
Our cup truly runneth over. All praise to our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
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Uncle Josh with the Pestke family (minus Eliana) |
Monday, November 24, 2014
Winshape 2014
We were extremely blessed to host a team from Chick-fil-a / Winshape. The purpose of this group coming to Chipata it to help local business leaders understand Biblical principles and choose to follow God's way in their personal life and in their professional life.
Will Sims has been the lead man in coming to Zambia for the last 3 years. He is an instrumental and inspiring man that truly is passionate to see people grow in their relationship with Christ as well as see professional growth. This year, two men came from Chick-fil-a along with their wives. It was a true joy to have both couples with us as they poured out their hearts and invested in the people of Zambia.
The teaching they do while in Zambia is based on the principle of servant leadership that Jesus taught. The principle crosses all borders and is timeless. We praise the LORD for the work that is being done here in Chipata because of this group. Will Sims has also invested in Davis Mwanamoyo (a local business man), who has now taken some of these same principles to his own business and helped others with their businesses!! Success!
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Will and Emily with Eliana |
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Witnessing a lion dinner |
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Enjoying some of God's creation with some of God's people |
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Hebron School with the team |
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Will Sims teaching SERVE |
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David teaching SERVE |
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Davis Mwanamoya encouraging people to move forward |
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Will pointing people to the Truth |
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Will Sims investing in my family |
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Team Work
We hosted a team from Decatur Baptist and Community Baptist churches in Alabama. The team objective was to teach a three day VBS for about 90 children, an adult leadership conference taken from the book of Ephesians for about 35 adults, and do some renovations at a local rural health clinic.
The team was outstanding. The leadership conference teaching was spot on. The VBS for the children really reached into the hearts of the people. The renovations at the clinic went very well. The attitude of the group well represented our Lord Jesus Christ! The temps while the team were here were easily in the low 100s each day. The circumstances were less than ideal to do intense manual labor and play game with kids in the open air but this group not only did it, but did it well!
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Larry Waye finishing up with some solid teaching |
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Shane Wright teaching from Ephesians |
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Josh Fryfogle helping out with clinic work |
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Team devotions at the Js |
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Group Transport Zambian style |
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Seth Keenum sharing his heart concerning biblical families |
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Bro Jay Schug teaching God's word |
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Josh Fryfogle doing the work |
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God honoring people desiring to see Christ lifted up |
Monday, October 13, 2014
Eliana Grace
On October 11th, at 11:50 am, little Eliana Grace Pestke was born into this world. We are thrilled. She decided to wait a bit before entering which in turn resulted in an emergency C-section. But, in the end, all turned out fine. Both mother and daughter are well. We praise the LORD for another beautiful gift.
Psalms 127:3-5 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
Tuesday, October 07, 2014
the whole world in His hands
There is an old Sunday school songs that goes, "He's got the whole world in His hands...He's got the whole world in His hands...." As we sing this song there are smiles on the faces of young people and old alike. The idea is simple - Jesus Christ (God manifest in the flesh) literally has the whole of mankind and the world in the palm of His hand. We take it to mean that everything is going to be ok.
Truly - the God understood in the Scripture is in control and does have the whole world in His hand. Yet, when we face the thoughts of Ebola, ISIS, wild fires, terrorism, famine, and world hunger it is easy to quickly forget about the encompassing hands of the Lord.
The command to go into the world (Matthew 28:18-19) is ever ringing from the pulpits of New Testament churches. This command seems reasonable when nations are receptive, economies stable, and politics are western friendly. Yet worldly stability has no bearing on the command - the church still should and must confront the sin of the world with the solution of Jesus Christ. In fact, the message becomes more powerful when Biblical Christians run into the storms of this world only equipped with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
As Jesus once said... the harvest is plenteous but the labourers are few. Few because we often get caught up in the tribulations of this world instead of better understanding the triumph promised through Christ. Pray.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Big Tree Two Year Anniversary
We had quite a wonderful celebration on Sunday (Sept 28th). Yesterday marked the two year anniversary of the beginning of our efforts to reach the Malongwe village area with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am deeply touched as I think about the many lives changed as sins have been forgiven and purpose and peace given. Hallelujah! Big Tree Baptist Church is not a very large place. Maybe if a stranger came he would not think much of our grass roof and mud pews and walls. Yet, in this humble building deep transformation has been found as the truth of God's word continually is declared and people seek that path of righteousness.
We invited a guest baptist preacher from town (Harrison Banda) to encourage and challenge our people. Wow! He did just that. He spoke from Deuteronomy discussing blessings and cursings then brought it together as it relates to the New Testament Christian and the temple within them. Truly blessed. At the close, we asked if anyone would like to re-dedicate their life to walking with Christ... in God-like manner, the Spirit moved, and more than 20 adults immediately responded.. My heart was overflowing.
As is traditional with Baptist heritage - we celebrated with a church wide meal including goat meat, nshima, cabbage, beans, and tomatoes. Perfect day. As we all sat around talking and enjoying fellowship the children had made kites from bamboo stick and discarded plastic bags which provided great entertainment!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
love that family!
It has been more than 3 weeks since the Pestke family has all been together. Savannah and the girls are in South Africa in preparation for our new baby girl and I stayed behind to continue teaching and preaching.
Although the time has gone by fast I am so ready to be back with my family! It truly has worked out well to finish up some teaching in September and be free in October to fully focus on our new born and the rest of the family... but, oh boy, it has been hard to be away from these girls.
So, thought I would share some of those family pics!
Although the time has gone by fast I am so ready to be back with my family! It truly has worked out well to finish up some teaching in September and be free in October to fully focus on our new born and the rest of the family... but, oh boy, it has been hard to be away from these girls.
So, thought I would share some of those family pics!
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baby girl getting a nap before her arrival |
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Analiese Joy enjoying life! |
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Gabriella Hope showing off those sweet cheeks! |
unstable times
Isaiah 33:6 And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure.
It doesn't take more than a quick perusal of the different news stations to realize there is much tribulation in this world. There is unresolved military conflict in North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, and Russia to name just a few. There is a deadly Ebola virus that threatens West Africa and could cause hundreds of thousands of deaths (says CDC). People are being abducted all around the world. Small school girls are being taken from their classrooms and never returned. Tribulation is upon us the world.
Yet, throughout the Scripture we see over and over again the peace and stability that is known to those near to the Lord. Imagine, wisdom and knowledge brings stability? So, if we are living in a world of instability it is likely because biblical wisdom and knowledge is not prevailing.
The hope we bring as missionaries to Zambia is not financial, academic, or really developmental in almost any way --- but, we do bring stability. We bring stability because our focus is to bring that strength of salvation to the people and build that foundation of wisdom and knowledge in order to make straight that which is crooked. Oh, that our Lord would bring an excitement for wisdom and that Christ's salvation would take control of the hearts of all of us!
Truly, all this stability and salvation is right there - we just need to open the Word of God and allow our Lord Jesus Christ to speak. That is my prayer for the people of Zambia and for my own family.
Monday, September 22, 2014
my loud neighbors
We happen to live next to an Islamic mosque here in Zambia. Every day and multiple times throughout the day there is an Islamic call to prayer or an "adhan". According to what I understand this is an integral part of the Muslim faith and is often time the first sound a new born baby hears or the first sounds allowed into a new home. From my limited understanding of Islam, this very loud sound should almost entice the hearers to come and pray!
I must admit - for the last couple years I almost got so good at tuning this sound out that I didn't even hear it most of the time. However, over the last few months I have found myself listening more and more to this "lyrical and inspiring" prayer. I don't have much to compare this 'prayer' with but it has crossed my mind more than once that the people on the other side of the loud speaker are out of tune. Now I don't want this to sound like much of a critique since, (if you know me) I am almost never able to carry a tune. Yet, this is my confusion. Nobody is asking me to join the church choir. Nobody is asking me to lead a chorus or hymn. However, in my little town here in Zambia, every day, we hear the droning of "Adhan" from some apparently uninspired men.
Maybe a question for another day... if praying is so important, why the need for the constant reminder?
Monday, September 15, 2014
not much but at least...
This Sunday I taught on the "purpose of our salvation". The thought occurred that it is likely many Christians only see salvation as that way of escape from judgment. But, truly, Biblical salvation forged from the nails at Calvary is the focal point of all Christianity.
It is not my intention to re-hash my message from Sunday. I came to church prepared to preach. I came having thought through the materials. I came knowing what the day was going to be. And, yet, I stood before the people with much more angst than usual. Although for many --- many months I have been working to learn the language of ChiChewa, I just have not felt comfortable doing anything more than basic conversations, etc. This Sunday, circumstances fell into place, and I realized it was time to move outside my comfort zone.
The Lord gave me the strength and ability I needed to get through my 30 minute lesson in Chichewa! I was excited and praising the Lord shortly after it finished. It may not seem like much but to teach in a foreign language for this thick head is no easy task. I still have a long way to go and looking back I realize I made some mistakes in my speech... but it was a good start.
2 Thessalonians 1:12 That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday, September 06, 2014
I have been mistaken for who?
This last week we traveled a bit deeper into the rural area with the hopes of finding some new places to begin evangelizing, teaching, preaching, and eventually starting a new church. We met some fantastic people and a few of them even seemed interested in us coming!
However, at one point I stopped on the side of the road to ask a few children the name of the village and if there were any churches in the area. The children froze. They refused to come near. They refused to speak. And, in complete rejection of their cultural values... they walked away from us. WOW! This was akin to a slap in the face. Quite disrespectful coming from a child.
After speaking to some people about this incident we were told the children were afraid of us because they believed us to be "satanists". It is not every day someone describes me as a satanist. I have actually spent a great deal of time hoping to emulate Jesus Christ so that people would actually see His attributes in me and not actually see me in me. This is a new one even for me!
Although we did see a couple churches in the area, the need for the radical life changing message of the Pure Gospel is still greatly needed. So many live in fear. So many live without hope. So many are bound by tradition. So many just do NOT know Jesus Christ. There is hope!
Please pray with us as we seek the direction of our Lord. It is our desire to see these people receive the free salvation of Jesus Christ and experience the forgiveness of their sins. Jesus Christ is our hope!
Monday, August 25, 2014
Doorkeepers needed
It is interesting to read Psalm 84 and see the three main blessings spelled out in the text. The psalmist speaks of dwelling, of strength, and of trust. In each of these instances we see the blessing always comes back to God. When we dwell with God. When our strength is from God. When we trust God. This is an obvious and abundant theme throughout Scripture and yet a point many of us miss (myself included). It is easy to want the blessing but it is a different day when we actually experience the blessing. Truly the blessing is not self-made but comes as we live in the presence of God.
I see desire within much of this passage. He writes about the longing of his soul. He speaks of his heart and flesh crying out to God. Perhaps many of us just don't have the necessary passion to chase after these types of blessing. Usually when we decide to pursue one direction we must forsake a different direction. It is normally called, "choices". We see choices all throughout the Scripture. When we choose to follow God - there are blessings to be expected. Is there anything more valuable than peace, love, joy, contentment, gentleness, etc?
Oh, I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. This all comes together for me in the culmination of this verse. There requires an actual humility to dwell with God, to receive strength from God, and to trust God. Being a doorkeeper and dwelling with God is a much better life than dwelling in wickedness. However, none of us seem to set out for such a lowly position. Maybe that is the problem. We want more. We want what is in those tents but still want the blessing of God. Seems to be plenty of doorkeeper positions available. Applications being accepted.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Getting Closer: Mukantha school
Thanks to the donations of some friends we were able to put a new roof on the Mukantha community school! As always, I underestimated the cost of the project but the Lord seemed to bring the funds to effectively finish the roof. Again, a huge shout out to Dan Jalowiec, Micah Jalowiec, and Luke Hayes for all the hard work they put into the installation of the roof. These guys not only work hard but seek to please the Lord in the way they work! Praise the LORD!
The school still needs a bore hole for clean water, door frames and window frames, doors and windows, a chalk board, and some desks but for now we are thrilled at the progress!
Monday, July 21, 2014
This do in remembrance
At our little rural church in Zambia we celebrate the Lord's supper roughly six times per year. It is a great reminder of the death of Jesus, along with the blood He shed for the forgiveness of our sin. I am always personally amazed at how much this sacrament changes me as I read through the verses that talk about Christ's work and sacrifice. It truly is wonderful to "remember" the finished work of salvation that Jesus Christ has done. Yes, salvation happens but once in a person's life but what a true joy to remember the Cross and remember that wonderful Grace!
Friday, July 18, 2014
A beginning: Mukantha community school
We have started a new project to help put a roof on a community school near our church plant. A women from the school's PTA came to us after Church one day asking if we could help. We eventually went to see the school and saw how shamefully the conditions were for the 80+ children. The PTA had done a fine job at building a new school but did not have the resources to put a roof on it and unfortunately the grass roofed school they were using was literally falling down.
Thanks to some very generous friends of this ministry and their desire to see Christ honored, we were able to deliver the 80 pieces of timber yesterday and today the carpenters will begin the assembly of the trusses. (As you can see this is not a multi-million dollar school but is adequate... little is much when God is in it!) There is still much work to be done but we are excited of the future possibilities! At least... it's a beginning.
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old school |
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new school |
There is still much we want to do at this school including a clean water bore hole, installing proper windows and doors, creating cement floors, attaching proper chalk boards but we are at least off to a good start!!!
Sunday, July 13, 2014
sweet little voices
Before our main time of preaching this morning we had the Sunday school children come and give us a song they recently learned. It is sweet to hear these little children learning from the Scripture, understanding God's direction for their life, and to hear them sing songs of praise!
Thursday, July 10, 2014
It didn't occur to me while reading the Scripture that "scoffers" would quite possibly come from within the church. In 2 Peter 3, we are told, first, that there should come in the last day scoffers... and saying "where is the promise of his coming?"
The doctrine of the Second coming of Jesus Christ is well documented theologically by the Church. Most of us would state emphatically the belief in a physical return of the King of kings. Many would assert the time of Christ's return is unknown yet predictable. The vast number of those that have taught me would confess to the trumpet sounding very soon.
Yet, there appears to exist within the body of Believers today a certain melancholy towards future events and the possible (any moment now) return of Christ. I remember when the very mention of the rapture would insight excited emotions parallel to that of a newly married couple heading off into the sunset!
Maybe it is just me? Maybe everyone still has that same passion and excitement? Maybe...
But, maybe not! Maybe people have taken their eyes off the things above and have more focused on the things below. Maybe so many Christians today are satisfied with the things of this world there is no desire or hunger for consuming peace, absolute love, perfect praise, or unending joy.
Our theology hasn't changed towards this doctrine of the Return of Christ but it sure does seem like our attitude has. Would we really live in such amusement if we believed Christ is coming soon? Would we truly spend so frivolously if we believed such a Truth? Would we really neglect the duties of the Church and the Commission of our Lord to reach the world with the good news of free salvation and forgiveness of sin?
Maybe the scoffers are not the non-Christian, unbelievers, outside of the Church. Maybe the scoffers are the ones inside, the church goers, me.
Saturday, July 05, 2014
Independence Day 2014
We are abundantly blessed to have an American community of believers here in Chipata and relatively close to us. This year we hosted a total of 33 friends that we call family to celebrate the Independence of our home country. We played games, barbecued, ate lots, laughed lots, and even threw in a little American trivia... overall it was a wonderful day.
In my limited experience as a missionary, some of the toughest days on the foreign mission field is during the holiday times. Having this group of people near to us is truly a God send and helps all of us be strong and united!
4th of July |
Monday, June 30, 2014
Hearing about HIV/AIDS while living in Africa is a common if not daily occurrence. Maybe too often. Is it possible to hear about the dangers of AIDS so much that we stop actually hearing all the rhetoric? We all know AIDS is dangerous to the point of deadly and as of today there is no cure. With all the information, knowledge, and especially marketing to sensitize people about the dangers of sex outside of marriage, it is a bit unsettling to realize how few seem to take heed to the advice given and still contract HIV.
Statistically, 262 new people contract HIV worldwide per hour... or roughly 6,300 new cases per day. Seventy percent of all people living with HIV are in sub-Sahara Africa. In 2012, an estimated 2,300,000 people were infected with HIV. Staggering numbers.
After 10 years in Zambia, I am accustomed to sickness, daily funerals, HIV slogans, and programs to help it all go away. Unfortunately the problem is not going away. The spread of HIV continues.
Recently a close friend's college age daughter contracted HIV. After she received her results she called us crying. As she discussed with my wife, she asked, "have you ever felt as good as dead?" Heartbreaking. Painful. Destructive. We prayed with her, spoke to her about God's love, and encouraged her in every way we could think. My heart broke.
The irritating part about HIV is it is a preventable disease. I do understand there are ways to get HIV other than sex but the most common form of transfer is through sexual intercourse. I dont believe the government needs to do more.. I dont believe the doctors and scientists needs to do more. I dont want to make excuses as thousands daily continue down the path that leads to death and pain. I do believe I should do more. Maybe I am part of the problem. Maybe I have become too sensitized to sin instead of sensitizing others to its destructive power.
Ephesians 5:1-3 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;
Saturday, June 28, 2014
divine luck
I certainly will never be confused for an Etymologist anytime soon! However, I do appreciate the correct meaning of words and often wonder the impact of improperly and casually using words incorrectly over time. As a Christian I want to speak well of our Lord and represent Him properly with my life and speech. The more I listen to other quality Christian people speak I often get the feeling my perspective of words is probably an archaic view.
We see throughout the Scripture the concept of the "divine" power and presence of God. The dictionary defines divine as "sacred, as pertaining to the Supreme Being, heavenly, or celestial." In my limited understanding this definition seems fair. In the last few weeks I have heard this phrase attached in multiple other ways:
- Divine Food
- Divine Comedy
- Divine Makeup
- Divine Insurance
- Divine Beauty
Another common word I often hear used in Christian speak is luck. We may hear people say such things as "that was lucky" or "good luck with that surgery" or "we are so lucky to be born American". The dictionary defines luck as "good fortune, considered as the result of chance; or a force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life". As a Bible believer and student I was always taught to believe in a God of control that has left nothing to "chance" and in fact there is nothing out of control or open to the negotiation of some foreign force. Have we inadvertently embraced "luck" when we:
- Cross our fingers
- Put up horse shoes
- Collect four leaf clovers
- Have a rabbit foot
- Or even wear a cross around our neck?
2 Corinthians 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Psalms 115:3 But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.
Proverbs 21:30 There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.
Romans 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
Daniel 4:35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?
Friday, June 27, 2014
Replacing water tank
Chief Mnukwa spoke with us a couple months ago expressing his concern for Mnukwa Clinic that had a faulty water tank. The clinic itself had been fitted with a first class solar bore hole along with a 10,000 litre tank and up until a couple months ago, things were working quite well. However, as some of the supporting boards began the rot, the massive tank began to move and ended springing a leak. This leak resulted in a lack of usable / clean water for the clinic and the residents in the area.
We had some left over funds from a previous clinic project and thought it a great benefit to provide clean water... so, we finally found the time necessary to get this project moving forward and thankfully finished (well, almost). We were not able to locate a new 10,000 litre tank but were able to purchase a 5,000 litre tank which is still plenty of water! As always, this project moved forward mostly in part to the hard work of Dan and Micah Jalowiec. Hats off to their hard working character and get it done attitude!
Friday, June 20, 2014
June Baptism at Big Tree
In obedience to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have gone out with the hopes and expectations of reaching people with the Good News! As part of the commission to reach the world, there is the understanding that each new birth will result in believers baptism. At our small church, we have scheduled a baptism service for every 2 months hoping there will be a need as we speak the truth and as Christ works in the hearts of people.
This short video shows some new believers obeying the Scripture and publicly testifying to the saving grace of our Lord!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Family Conference + VBS
The main focus of our June team was to teach a Family Conference for the adult members and produce a VBS for the children. The family conference was focused on the biblical roles of marriage, the purpose of marriage, and understanding the commitment of marriage. The family conference started Sunday morning and finished Wednesday afternoon. Each day we had between 40-65 in attendance! We had an amazing conclusion on Wednesday in which many families came to our alter and committed to moving forward and serving the Lord together. My heart was overflowing!
The children were blessed for three days of teaching as well. From 70-90 children attended each day as our team taught on fundamentals of Christianity using the Creation to Christ methodology. Each lesson was designed to build a foundation and show a specific attribute of Christ. Eventually, the whole picture came into focus as the life of Christ was presented, the Gospel given, and hearts submitted to the call of repentance! Roughly 7 children professed Jesus Christ as their Saviour! What an amazing start and foundation these children will have.
I like to remind everyone that we are simply building a proper foundation. The work that was done during this conference will continue to help our people and ministry literally for years to come! The building of the foundation is not glorious and usually gets little attention or recognition but do we dare say is the most important part of every long lasting structure! (1 Corinthians 3:10-12)
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